Digitalni Privredni Vodič

Quickly and easily present your company, find a business partner, collaborator, supplier or distributor

4 ways to improve your business IMMEDIATELY!

Digital business

Improve your business through the Digitalni privredni vodič

The Center for Digital Transformation of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the company Virtual Digital Innovation launched this portal with the aim of enabling local companies to quickly and qualitatively present themselves to the widest audience, easily find new business partners and effectively improve business.

This platform is specially designed to help you:

By registering on our portal, companies get:

The Latest Companies in the Database


Follow us through the mobile application

Always be informed about current events in the world of business. Download the mobile application Digitalni Privredni Vodič (Android version is currently available, while iOS version is in preparation). Through push-up notifications, you will be regularly informed about all current events, education, subsidies, grants and loans, success stories, promotions, etc.